
Child Sexual Abuse FAQs

 Posted on September 28, 2017 in Child Abuse

Chicago child sex offense lawyer, child abuse, sexual abuse, sexual child abuse, child sexual abuseGoing through sexual abuse at any age can be traumatic and emotionally disheartening. However, if the person affected is a child, or a minor under the age of 18, the effect of child sexual abuse can be extremely damaging. Moreover, the individual accused of performing such acts may face serious and lasting consequences.

Facts that One May Not Know about Child Sexual Abuse

Roughly 90 percent of children who are sexually abused know their abuser. The other 10 percent of sexually abused children are abused by a complete stranger. About 30 percent of children are abused by family members, and approximately 60 percent of all child sexual abuse cases involve people that the child’s family may trust. Not every person who sexually abuses a child is considered a pedophile.

As many as 40 percent of sexually abused children are abused by older children. If the child is younger, it is likely that the person committing the act is also a minor. Individuals under the age of 18 are responsible for as many as 43 percent of abuse cases involving children under the age of six. Also, nearly 14 percent of all abusers are under the age of 12.

As many as 81 percent of all child sexual abuse cases occur under surprising circumstances with the person committing the act and the person affected by the act. Child sexual abuse often occurs in the morning and afternoon, since the abused child will be going to school and later returning home. Additionally, children between the ages of 12 and 17 most likely experience child sexual assault in the late evening, around time of curfew.

Contact Your Chicago Federal Crime Attorney

Being accused of a child sex crime is very serious. Criminal penalties and registry as a sex offender are just two consequences you can face if convicted of a child sex crime—the damage that sexual abuse often causes can completely ruin your life.

Attorney Hal M. Garfinkel understands your wants and needs and will take them into complete consideration while addressing your state or federal child sex offense accusation. Attorney Garfinkel also has several years of experience in representing various sex crime cases, and he is ready to assist you in your case.

To schedule your free initial consultation, please call the Chicago child sex offense lawyer at the Law Offices of Hal M. Garfinkel LLC, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney at 312-629-0669, without delay, to retain aggressive legal representation.


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