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Be Wary of Work-From-Home Scams that Can Lead to Federal Charges

 Posted on April 06, 2022 in Federal Crimes


Working from home and online jobs are more popular than ever. Unfortunately, many scammers are taking advantage of this situation by offering seemingly legitimate jobs that are actually money laundering schemes. The FBI and BBB have warned of these scams and explained to job-seekers that getting caught up in these scams can even lead to federal charges.

Moving Money or Packages for a Third Party May Lead to Money Laundering Changes

Many people are looking for jobs they can complete from the comfort of their own home or car. Unfortunately, not all job listings are from legitimate employers. One common scam involves inspecting and delivering packages. The individual is asked to receive packages and then re-label the packages and ship them elsewhere. What the package inspector may not know is that the packages were purchased using stolen credit card information and they are simply a middleman in an illegal scheme. Anyone participating in a scam like this could face criminal charges for money laundering or conspiracy.

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3 Reasons You Could Be Accused of Student Loan Fraud

 Posted on March 31, 2022 in Fraud

Chicago federal criminal defense attorneyMost students have little choice but to take out student loans. College, let alone graduate school, can be wildly expensive. Gone are the days when a student could work their way through college with a part-time job. For most, taking out federal student loans is the only way they can hope to access higher education. However, students and their families must be careful when filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Providing inaccurate information could lead to criminal charges, as could misusing student loan funds. This type of fraud is nearly always handled at the federal level. If you are facing charges for student loan fraud, it is important that you work closely with a skilled federal criminal defense attorney. 

What Actions Can Lead to Fraud Charges Relating to Student Loans?

It is easier than you may think to find yourself charged with fraud after applying for or receiving student loan funds. A conviction could lead to prison time, and you could lose educational opportunities in the future. Colleges may be very reluctant to admit someone who has this type of conviction on their record. Even finding employment may be difficult. 

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4 Potential Defenses to Federal Money Laundering Charges

 Posted on March 27, 2022 in Money Laundering

Chicago federal criminal defense lawyerFederal money laundering charges can result in years of prison time. Financial crimes are taken very seriously by the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies. If you are up against charges for money laundering, building a strong defense is your top priority right now. Even after any judicially-imposed penalties have been completed, you could be left a felon. Being a felon closes doors - it may be extremely difficult to find the type of job you want or desirable housing. There are a number of possible defense strategies. The particular strategy your lawyer will use is heavily dependent on the specific facts and circumstances of your case. After assessing your case, your attorney will design a defense that is most likely to work well for you. 

What Are Some Defense Strategies for Money Laundering?

There are a number of strategies your lawyer may want to use, some specific to money laundering, and others more general. You may have a good defense that is not listed here, so make sure to speak with an attorney to find out whether another defense could apply to your situation. Some defense strategies for money laundering include: 

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What is Medical Identity Theft?

 Posted on March 18, 2022 in Federal Crimes

Chicago medical identity theft defense lawyerLike everything else lately, medical care has become extraordinarily expensive for the average person. It should come as no surprise that some people have resorted to identity theft in order to obtain medical care. However, doing so can lead to federal charges rather easily. Because most major hospital systems are tied to some form of federal funding or operate in multiple states, most instances of medical identity theft will fall under federal jurisdiction. While a somewhat understandable offense, identity theft remains a felony even when it is committed in an effort to receive health care. If you have been charged with identity theft in a medical context, it is important that you immediately contact a skilled federal crimes defense attorney. 

How Does Medical Identity Theft Work?

Medical identity theft is a bit of an unusual, but increasingly common form of stealing another person’s identity. In general, it occurs when someone uses false documentation or provides false information to a medical provider, claiming to be someone else in order to be treated. Forms of this offense include: 

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What to Do if Your Federal Criminal Case Goes Public

 Posted on March 13, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Chicago high-profile criminal case lawyerGetting arrested is embarrassing enough if only one or two people know about it. When the news of your arrest ends up in the local paper - or worse - you will have to start taking important precautions to protect yourself and your family. Depending on the nature of the crime you are charged with, and whether there was any significant local impact, you may face serious backlash that will impact every aspect of your life. You may also feel pressure to speak up publicly in your own defense, but this is rarely a good idea. The first thing you need to do is find a lawyer who is experienced at managing media attention during a high-profile case

What Should I Do if I See My Case in the News?

You might be feeling a strong desire to try to publicly clear your name or explain yourself. This almost never improves the situation, and it is very likely to do the opposite. Always follow your attorney’s specific advice, but some general advice can include: 

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The CARES Act and Federal Fraud

 Posted on February 28, 2022 in Federal Crimes

Chicago federal fraud charges lawyerThe Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act—commonly known as the “CARES Act” provided critical assistance to an enormous amount of American families and small businesses. This funding was designed to keep struggling people and small companies afloat in the midst of lockdowns and a general economic downturn during a public health crisis. Most businesses used these emergency relief loans to manage expenses - like payroll - that they otherwise would not have been able to cover during the pandemic. However, there have also been a large number of fraud accusations relating to misused funding. As the nation adjusts to COVID as an endemic disease, moving away from the panic of a pandemic, the federal government is beginning to crack down on those who fraudulently claimed or used these funds. 

If you used CARES Act funds and are now being accused of fraud, it is important that you promptly reach out to a qualified federal crimes attorney. These cases are now being investigated and prosecuted at a much higher rate than they were during the height of the pandemic. 

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4 Federal Tax Crimes the IRS Will Notice

 Posted on February 18, 2022 in Federal Crimes

Chicago federal crimes attorneyWith the tax season beginning, it may be a good time to take a look at a few rather common types of tax crimes. It can be very tempting for individuals at any income level to try to maximize their return or minimize their liability using illegal methods. This type of white-collar crime is being cracked down on. There is no such thing as a “white lie” when it comes to filing your income taxes. If you are caught, the IRS makes a formidable opponent, and you could end up in federal prison. Should you be accused of a tax crime, you will need a highly experienced attorney to help you resolve your case and reduce the likelihood of severe consequences. 

What Are the Types of Tax Fraud the IRS Looks for?

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to filing a tax return. Often, the higher your income, the more scrutiny you may be under - but this does not mean those with lower incomes can get away with tax crimes. Types of tax fraud the IRS will be looking out for on 2021 tax returns include: 

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Which Federal Crimes Carry a Life Sentence?

 Posted on February 10, 2022 in Federal Crimes

Chicago federal criminal defense attorneyLife imprisonment without the possibility of parole is all but the worst-case scenario for those charged with a serious federal crime. Some may even say that they fear spending the rest of their life in prison more than they fear the death penalty. Fortunately, these sentences are strikingly rare. Less than 0.5% of federal inmates are serving a life sentence. This harsh punishment is typically reserved for the most serious offenders, convicted of major felonies. 

If you are facing serious federal charges, your best bet is to find a highly skilled criminal defense lawyer with experience in the federal courts who can fight to avoid a conviction in the first place. 

Which Convictions Can Lead to a Life Sentence?

There are some crimes, like multiple homicides, that you might expect a life sentence to result from. Others may surprise you. Federal felonies that could land you in prison for life include: 

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The Five Types of Federal Prisons

 Posted on February 04, 2022 in Federal Crimes

Chicago federal criminal defense lawyerYou almost certainly do not want to go to any type of prison. Naturally, the most desirable outcomes are having your case dismissed or being found not guilty, followed by some type of probation that does not involve incarceration. In many cases, a skilled attorney can work with the prosecution to achieve a resolution that does not involve you wearing an orange jumpsuit. In other cases, a prison sentence is nearly inevitable, and your attorney may recommend defense strategies aimed at reducing the length of a sentence - or advocating for you to serve your time in a lower security prison. 

If you are worried that your federal criminal case may end in a prison sentence, you may want to know more about the different types of federal prisons, and which one you could be sent to. If prison is a possibility based on your charges, you will need to work closely with an experienced attorney. 

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What Defines a Federal Hate Crime?

 Posted on January 28, 2022 in Federal Crimes

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_438352297.jpgBeing charged with a hate crime puts you in a very difficult position. If you are accused of committing a crime based on prejudice against the victim, you are likely to be branded a bigot. That image can be difficult to shake, especially since alleged hate crimes are often publicized. On top of a lengthy prison sentence, you could have to deal with permanent social repercussions. Sometimes, people are surprised to learn that they have been charged with a hate crime based on their choice of victim - it can be difficult for prosecutors to discern whether the crime was motivated by hate or by something else. 

If you have been accused of a hate crime, it is important to tread carefully. Your best bet is to immediately contact a federal crimes lawyer and follow his advice. 

When is a Crime Considered a Hate Crime?

Most offenses that involve a victim could potentially be charged as a hate crime. “Hate crime” is not an offense in and of itself - it is a sort of enhancement that is added onto another crime. So, for a hate crime to be charged, there must first be a crime of some type. Assaults and criminal damage to property are common examples. Then, the crime must be motivated by hate towards a particular group of people. The requisite hate can be directed towards the victim based on their: 

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